Burdgard Iris Farm
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TANGO AMIGO....Blyth 05Apricot S, light violet blue F. edged apricot.
TENNISION RIDGE...Begley 89RE, S. plum burgundy, F. white stitched burgundy plicata.
THAT'S HOT....Lauer 08Laced & ruffled pink rose.
THORNBIRD....Byers 89SA- S. Pale ecru, F. light tan & maroon wash, beards end in appendages.
TIGER HONEY....Kasperek 94Butterscotch & caramel ruffled S. and falls with golden-yellow streaking
TIJUANA TAXI...Karanoski 14S. fiery red-orange F. red-orange, d. orange line, wide ruby-red-wine band
TREASURE TRADER...Blyth 09S. Lemon yellow, F. burgundy rose edge lt lemon.
TRIAD....M. Sutton 09SA, S. shell pink, yellow edge, F. white w/ yellow rim, fuzzy horns.
TRIAL BY FIRE....Ghio 06Lustrous mid red with leather like finish, lacy.
TROPICAL DELIGHT...M. Sutton o2RE, SA, S. Amber yellow, F phlox purple, horns & spoons.
TUSCAN DELIGHT...G. SUTTON 06S. old gold; falls terracotta, ¼" old gold edge
TUSCAN SUMMER...Kepple 10Dark brownish red, F bright yellow, dark brown plicata.
TWILIGHT OF THE GODS...Fan 07Orange self, beards red-orange
UNDER MY SPELL...Tasco 16S. red chocolate. F. dark black-red. beards golden bronze
UPLIFTING...M. Sutton 04RE, SA, White ground, washed & veined violet.
VANILLA BERRY...M. Sutton 10S. Pale almond/pink, F. red violet, rimmed.
VENITA FAYE....Kepple 08Pastel pink S, lilac F.
VICAR....(Schreiner 11)Vibrant violet purple; beards dark blue-purple
VOW OF SILENCE...Ghio 14S. pastel peach-pink; F. same, darker at edge; beards blue
WEDDING NIGHT....Ghio 09Deep sooty purple S, F. white w/ inky purple plicata.
WELL ENDOWED....GhioRE Bright yellow self
WHISPERING SPIRITS...Ernst 01S. white, yellow edge, F. speckled magenta, yellow band.
WHITEWATER RAPIDS...Jedlicka 10Medium silver-blue self, white beards
WIDE BLUE SEA...M. Sutton 08RE, FR, Ruffled mid blue self.
WILD SHARON....Sutton 94S. are white, F. are blue violet with striping, Beards are golden
WISE WISH....Spoon 03RE, S. med maroon, F. velvety wine maroon edged pink.
WIZARD OF ODDS...Black 09Crazy random patterns, bright gold, streaked & splashed ruby.
WONDERS NEVER CEASE...Black 07S. White, F. lined & dotted plum, edged white.
ZESTING LEMONS....Ernst 08White w/ lemon edge, F. lemon w/ blended white center.